Original Material
Write the First Time, Inc. is the editorial branch of Turnaround Agency. It is owned and run by a husband-and-wife team who have decades of experience (ouch, that makes us sound older than we are) producing and/or editing your copy to your specifications. We can create all kinds of written materials, such as:
- Web site content
- Blogs
- Books (as ghost writers), E-books
- Academic or professional articles
- Newsletters
- Brochures
- One-sheets
- White papers
- RFPs, etc.
Likewise, if you’ve already written something, but you feel there are problems with the flow, style, or accuracy, we can do a light to heavy edit. It will still have your unique style and language, but will read much more clearly and smoothly. If you’ve already written something that you’re happy with, but can no longer see the grammatical forest for the trees, we’ll hunt down any dangling participles and wayward apostrophes. A properly proofread document is much clearer and tighter, and does not distract the reader with subtle errors.
How We Work
One of us loves to work with people and get to know our clients so he can craft the perfect solutions to your problems. (The other of us prefers to lock herself in a dark closet with her laptop and a jug of green tea until the phone stops ringing for the day.) But when it comes to our work, we are both:
- Detail-oriented
- Deadline-driven
- Self-motivated
- (A little OCD)
- Highly focused
- Meticulous
- Professional
- Fun (even the sometimes cranky one)