Web Content Development
Words suck.
If your audience can’t find you, you don’t exist. You can bust your budget building the best site on the planet but you’ve blown all your money if no one can Google you.
While surfers will watch videos and use applications on your site, the best and most cost-effective way to attract eyeballs is to use those exact words that microtarget the lost audience that’s sadly being driven to your competition.
You need to develop a content marketing plan that will attract your most highly-valued users right from Day One, and grow your business month after month. We can help.
“The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter–it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”
— Mark Twain
There is a fatal mistake that most web site creators make. They can’t hear that their pleading audience is showing them exactly how to get their business.
We know the secret. We speak audience. We have designed web content for startups and for some of the biggest names in the business. We design with the end user in mind and will show you how we can maximize your marketshare.
We have:
- Created online multimedia shows.
- Been responsible for the overall creative supervision, video and HTML production, pre-production planning, and formulating and maintaining yearlong content schedule.
- Created and designed GUI, navigation and web site architectures.
- Developed content management system and branding strategies for online products.
- Produced and managed hardware and personnel budgets for various web sites.
Our most popular services include:
Content is king on the Internet. Even on a brouchureware site, you need to create the proper content to attract the highest value end users. If you have articles, applications and multimedia that target your specific demographic, you will rank higher in search engines than your competition. By creating a long term web content strategy, you can increase your marketshare month after month. Let us show you how.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is more than just inserting a few metatags and calling it a day. It is the key to discovering how people are finding your site and how you should market to them. People think SEO is all about tricking Google’s spiders. It is about discovering how people are begging you to sell to them. We’ll show you how to avoid the common SEO mistakes and how to use a content marketing strategy to get those eyeballs. One well targeted article can draw in more traffic than all your pay per click (PPC) advertising combined.
Infopreneur content development
If you are an expert in your field, we can develop a full content strategy that gives you a platform to reach the media or your most valued customers. We can ghostwrite (or help you write) your book. We can shop the book around to mainstream publishers or even help you self-publish it. We can create a web site and blog to raise your international profile. We can even create a series of stump speeches and seminars that you can either take on the road for speaking engagements or sell over the Internet as products. Are you ready for your chance to shine in the media spotlight?
We have managed many online communities including message boards, live chats, online forums and social networking sites. But not every site should uses these tools. They can become a huge time suck, and if you don’t manage the community well, you could end up with a black eye that will compromise your public relations profile for years. We can help you avoid those pitfalls and create an ongoing word-of-mouth campaign that draws thousands to your business. (We can also perform detailed perception audits of social media sites.)
Site copy: Technical writing, Robohelp etc.
We also do the boring but all too often neglected site copy. If your audience gets lost navigating your web site or trying to complete a transaction, that’s more than just a lost opportunity, that’s a dissatisfied customer. Satisfied customers will tell three people about your site. A dissatisfied customer will tell 20 people about their negative experience with your site. Let us help you close those sales and create legions of satisfied customers.
We’ve provided user-friendly marketing site copy for the following clients.
- Young & Rubicam
- Gamespy
- Rebates HQ
- Web Tank
- Mediaworks
- BrainX
- Idealab
We’ve worked at six Hollywood studios (primarily in kids’ entertainment) in animation, live action and online production, development, acquisition, network and cable programming and kid and teen marketing.
As an online producer, Don has designed, managed and provided weekly content for 35 TV websites including ER, MadTV, Extra,KidsWB, Warner Bros. Studio Stores and many others.
We’ve also designed online games for clients such as:
- Kid Rhino
- Wonka.com
In addition to hundreds of instructional tutorials for CNet.com and How2.com, we’ve researched and written educational content for kids. Check out some of our kids’ educational content:
- Let’s Learn About: Manmade Wonders
- Ben Franklin
- Leonardo da Vinci
- The Mystery of Machu Picchu
- The Stargazers
- Venomous Animals
- Washington, D.C.
Other kids’ and entertainment services we’ve provided include:
• Created engaging children’s stories for sites and newsletters.
• Created teaching guides and follow-up quizzes for the educational content.
• Wrote content for multi-choice interactive adventures.
• Wrote clear game and site instructions.
• Written for Edutopia (George Lucas’ educational foundation) magazine, Interactive Educator magazine.
• Developed Edutainment, a full slate of online educational games featuring Looney Tunes characters for Warner Bros. Online.
• Responsible for overall creative supervision, video & HTML production, pre-production planning, formulating and maintaining yearlong content schedule.
• Created and designed GUI, navigation, information architectures and content management systems.
• Developed branding strategies for online products.
• Policed and moderated message boards and live chat rooms.
• Produced many live online events with celebrity guests.
Let us help turn your business from a money pit into a profit center.